Site testing slump test always do your slump test before making your cubes to ensure the concrete is usable. Mortar flow table test for cement mortar as per is code. The government of the hong kong special administrative region. The compacting factor test has been developed at the road research laboratory u. Principle of slump test the slump test result is a slump of the behaviour of a compacted inverted cone of concrete under the action of gravity. Test 555, method of test for slump of fresh portland cement concrete pdf. Remember that slumps less than 12 may not be adequately plastic, and slumps greater than 9 may not be adequately cohesive for the slump test to have significance.
It measures the consistency or the wetness of concrete which then gives an idea about the workability condition of concrete mix. The theory part gives brief theoretical background of the experiment while the experimental part outlines the procedure for performing the test. Lab report for slump test of concrete workability civil. Concrete workability, high performance concrete, slump, compacting factor. Slump tests were carried out to determine the workability and consistency of fresh concrete.
The concrete slump test is an onthespot test to determine the consistency as well as workability of fresh concrete. The goal of the slump concrete is tested to measure the consistency of concrete. Slump test shows an indication of the uniformity of concrete in different batches. The discussion in this manual is divided into three parts viz. A theoretical watercement ratio calculated from the considerations discussed a.
United kingdom and mainland europe edit in the united kingdom, the standards specify a slump cone height of 300 mm, a bottom diameter of 200 mm and a top diameter of 100 mm. The slump test is a means of assessing the consistency of fresh concrete. It gives quick result about the workability of concrete. In the slump test the plastic concrete specimen is formed into a conical metal mold as described in astm standard c143.
American society for testing materials astm c39c39m provides standard test method for compressive strength of cylindrical concrete specimens. Various standard codes recommend a concrete cylinder or concrete cube as the standard specimen for the test. The slump cone is a sheet metal frustrated cone, 300 mm tall, bottom diameter is 200 mm, and the top diameter is 100 mm, it is placed on a stable surface, usually made of steel. This test plays a vital role in ensuring immediate concrete quality in a construction project. The apparatus used for doing slump test are slump cone and tamping rod. Frequency of cube test shall be guided by clause 15. The slump test the slump test is done to make sure a concrete mix is workable. Slump cone, scale for measurement, temping rod steel.
Slump testing with both the standard and miniature cones was per. Score the questions as indicated on the examination. The concrete slump test is known as standard test method for slump of hydrauliccement concrete and carries the code astm c 143 or aashto t 119. Concrete slump test is a standard and quick test to determine the proportions of various ingredients for preparing concrete of desired consistency and workability workability. We usually perform slump test on site and lab due its ease and results. Slump test will require some tools which are easily available in the market. Concrete slump test for workability procedure and results. It is one of the physical parameters of concrete which affects the finesse, strength and dura.
Pdf a miniature cone for measuring the slump of soilbentonite. Following are the slump test theory, limitation, use, procedure, test apparatus, and precautions. Test for workability of concrete slump cone youtube. Concrete slump test as per is 1199 workability test 2020. May 31, 2020 equipment for concrete slump test or slump cone test. Both the top and bottom openings are perpendicular to the vertical axis of the cone. Slump test were conducted on fresh concrete while density test and compressive. The upper diameter of the slump cone should be 100 millimeters and the lower diameter 200 millimeters. Results of slump tests performed on three model sb backfills with different solid.
The flow table test procedure does not conform with astm standard and is as. Curing mm2 of load kn s rate strength cube kn\min n\mm2 kg 1 14 22500 8. St1, dc2 and cl contained the largest amounts of solid dust and dirt per unit. Furthermore, a dataset that contains slump test records, collected from a hydroelectric 100 dam construction project in central vi etnam, is used to establish and verify the proposed. The concrete slump test or slump cone test is the most common test for workability of. Slump test is the most commonly used method of measuring consistency of concrete which can be employed either in laboratory or at site of work. Additional information on workability and quality of concrete. The test demonstrated that an equivalent slump can be achieved for glass. Discussion testing method the slump test is a series ofseven basic steps 4, 5. Measure the amount of slump in inches from the bottom of the straight edge to the top of the slumped concrete at a point over the original center of the base. If the slump test fails to meet the range limit as dictated by the british standard shown in the table below then the load should be rejected.
Concrete is placed into a cylindrical steel mold with an inner diameter of 36 mm. To perform the test, you need a slump cone and a tamping rod. Here, i shall tell you how to perform a slump test of concrete at site as per 1199 1959. Oct 20, 2014 the slump test is used to ensure uniformity for different batches of similar concrete under field conditions, and to ascertain the effects of plasticizers on their introduction. The slump test is performed on newly mixed concrete.
Slump test slump test is the most commonly used method of measuring consistency of concrete which can be employed either in laboratory or at site of work. It is used, indirectly, as a means of checking that the correct amount of water has been added to the mix. The older standard for british was first bs 1881102. The approximate amount of water required for average aggregates is given. In the united states, this test is known as standard test method for slump of hydraulic cement concrete and flow the code astm c143 or aasto t119. C143, standard test method for slump of hydraulic cement. The slump test is a very important industrial test for evaluation of. True slump is a general subsidence of the mass without b reaking up. It is not a suitable method for very wet or very dry concrete. Slump test of concrete step by step procedure with report. The water content was adjusted to compensate for the dry gravel and sand used in the lab. Concrete slump test theory and lab test aboutcivil. Test method for slump of hydrauliccement concrete and carries the code astm c 143. Muhamad akmal bin mohamad sharif 03dka16f2030 ainunyasmine binti haslan 03dka16f2023 nirandoal al cheng 03dka16f2029 nur aida binti zainol abidin 03dka16f2027 objective to determine the workability or.
Properties of pavement quality concrete prepared with. The test methods used should be simple, direct and convenient in their application. Fill box test 90% to 100% gtm screen stability test 0 to 15% orimet test 0 to 5% 20. Workability of fresh concrete by slump test civil engineering portal. Bingham fluid did the principle of measuring concrete flow curves in terms of shear stress and. Concrete slump test the base of the slump cone was put on a smooth surface. Pdf simulation of the slump test based on the discrete element. Pdf measurement of slump for soilbentonite sb cutoff wall backfill using a standard astm c14300.
This document describes 61 test methods for measuring concrete workability. Scope this standard covers the test method for slump flow of selfcompacting concrete with a maximum coarse aggregate size of 40 mm or less. Compacting factor test it is more precise and sensitive than the slump test and is particularly useful for concrete mixes of very low workability as are normally used when concrete is to be compacted by vibration. The slump test is referred to in several testing and building codes, with minor. Mar, 2019 since 1922 slump test has been widely used to check out the concrete workability at the site.
The flow table test procedure does not conform with astm standard and is as follows. This standard has been prepared with this object in view and provides a guide to the sampling, analysis, and determination of linear changes of concrete. What this does is checks for the amount of memory they have. The measured slump must be within a set range, or tolerance, from the target slump. The slump test result is a measure of the behavior of a compacted inverted cone of concrete under the action of gravity.
Changes in patient positioning are reduced due to the versatility ofthe test. Astm c143 aci slump test of hydraulic cement concrete. The ease with which one can use concrete is called workability. Procedure to determine workability of fresh concrete by slump test. The slump cone apparatus for conducting the slump test essentially consists of a metallic mould in the form of a frustum of a cone having the internal dimensions as. Tools standard slump cone 100 mm top diameter x 200 mm bottom diameter x 300 mm high small scoop bulletnosed rod 600 mm long x 16 mm diameter rule slump plate 500 mm x 500 mm. Responses to the slump test are assessed, in part, by comparing test outcomes to responses seen in indi viduals without low back pain or ra dicular signs 7,4o.
Many factors are taken into account to meet the requirements of concrete strength, and to make sure that a consistence mixture of cement is being used during the process of construction. A slump test is a method used to determine the consistency of concrete. Concrete slump test procedure applications, types, uses and. It is used to check the workability of freshly made concrete for the easy placement of concrete. Slump test measures the consistency or workability of concrete. The characteristics of concrete with respect to the tendency of segregation can be also judged by making a few tamping or blows. The concrete slump test is done to check the workability of concrete. The slump test is the most simple workability test for concrete, involves low cost and provides immediate results. Which is the latest is code for slump test and when published. Various international codes have specific testing standards for concrete slump test. The mold is lifted, leaving the concrete to slump, that is, to spread or drop in height. Mix the dry constituents thoroughly to get a uniform colour and then add water. Slump test provides immediate result about the consistency and workability of concrete, that is the reason it is used widely in all over the world since 1922. Slump test is also known as slump cone test as a cone is used in the test.
Here, i shall tell you how to perform a slump test of concrete at site as per 11991959. The shape of the concrete slumps shows the information on the workability and quality of concrete. In a true slump concrete just subsides shortly and more or less maintain the. Concrete slump test is an onthespot test to determine the consistency as well as workability of fresh concrete. Summary of concrete workability test methods the university of. It was mixed for 3 minutes, followed by a 3minute rest, followed by a 2minute final mixing. Slump test of concrete, slump cone for workability. The test is carried out in accordance with bs en 123502, testing fresh concrete. Mix is too wet or high workability mix, slump test isnt appropriate for such mix. To accurately interpret the slump test, the clinician must be able to distinguish between motion restrictions, which are indica tive of pain or dysfunction, and limi. Test result withinbatch range withinbatch range, % moving average of 10 tests moving average of 10 ranges moving 10 test v1, % 1 4498 4254 4376 244 5. Experimental study of fresh concrete properties of fibre.
Standard slump and flow table tests columbia university. Slump test is the most common to test the consistency or workability of concrete. In general the quantity of water per unit volume of concrete required to produce a given slump is dependent on the maximum ca size, the shape and grading of both ca and fa, as well as the amount of entrained air. Pdf estimating concrete workability based on slump test. Aci mix design process of measuring the slump of fresh concrete aci mix design. Concrete slump test procedure applications, types, uses. More water was added from the final quarter to produce a workable mix. This test also called frustum whose upper diameter is 50 mm and the bottom diameter is 100 mm and the height is 300 mm. Due to this fact, it has been widely used for workability tests since 1922.
Concrete slump test is a simple and lowcost test which is prepared in the laboratory or at the construction site for the determination of workability and consistency. The government of the hong kong special administrative. Unsupported concrete, when it is fresh, will flow to the sides and sinking in height will take place. This test is done at construction site before the concreting process. The slump test is a qualityc o n t r ol test because changes in the m e a s u red slump indicate changes in mix proportions, mixing pro c e d u r es, or other factors affecting the n a t u re of fresh concrete. Slump test is a laboratory or at site test used to measure the consistency of concrete. The slump is carried out as per procedures mentioned in astm c143 in the united. Code and standards requirements for acceptance testing. In order to promote public education and public safety, equal justice for all, a better informed citizenry, the rule of law, world trade and world peace, this legal document is hereby made available on a noncommercial basis, as it is the right of all humans to know and speak the laws that govern them.
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